Partonomy list P3F, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

middle ear (pair)

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Top level nervous system
Level 2 vestibulocochlear organ (pair) Short Extended
Current level middle ear (pair) Short
Subsidiary language with Latin English French Spanish Russian
Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
56513 32925 7162
middle ear (pair)
auris media (par)
56461 32901 7163
tympanic cavity (pair) P4 21 children
cavitas tympani (par)
58376 30729 8193
subdivisions of tympanic cavity (pair)
divisiones cavitatis tympani (par)
56717 30732 7165
epitympanic recess (pair) ; epitympanum (pair)
recessus epitympanicus (par) ; pars epitympanica (par)
77690 30735 7166
cupular part (pair)
pars cupularis (par)
56714 30738 8196
proper tympanic cavity (pair) ; mesotympanum (pair)
cavitas tympanica propria (par) ; pars mesotympanica (par)
43662 14059
retrotympanic recess (pair) ; retrotympanum (pair)
recessus retrotympanicus (par) ; pars retrotympanica (par)
57787 30741 8199
hypotympanic recess (pair) ; hypotympanum (pair)
recessus hypotympanicus (par) ; pars hypotympanica (par)
8253 8253
77677 30725 8190
parietes auris mediae (par)
56002 30747 7164
tegmental wall (pair) ; tegmental roof (pair); ERR1
paries tegmentalis (par)
43665 14060
inferior tegmental process (pair) ; cog (pair)
processus tegmentalis inferior (par)
77642 30750 7167
jugular wall (pair) ; inferior wall (pair)
paries jugularis (par)
30755 8202
tympanic opening of tympanic canaliculus (pair)
apertura tympani canaliculi tympani (par)
60971 30761 7169
labyrinthine wall (pair) ; medial wall (pair)
paries labyrinthicus (par)
56913 30764 7170
vestibular window (pair) ; oval window (pair)
fenestra vestibuli (par); fenestra ovalis (par)
76921 30767 7171
fossa of vestibular window (pair) ; fossa of oval window (pair); ERR1
fossula fenestrae vestibuli (par) ; fossula fenestrae ovalis (par)
77697 30791 7179
cochleariform process (pair)
processus cochleariformis (par)
77694 30770 7172
promontory of tympanic cavity (pair)
promontorium cavitatis tympani (par)
75343 30773 7173
groove of promontory of tympanic cavity (pair)
sulcus promontorii cavitatis tympani (par)
30797 8205
ponticulus of promontory of tympanic cavity (pair)
ponticulus promontorii cavitatis tympani (par)
77695 30776 7174
subiculum of promontory of tympanic cavity (pair)
subiculum promontorii cavitatis tympani (par)
43668 14061
finiculus of promontory of tympanic cavity (pair) ; sustentaculum of promontory of tympanic cavity (pair)
finiculus promontorii cavitatis tympani (par) ; sustentaculum promontorii cavitatis tympani (par)
43671 14062
subcochlear canaliculus (pair)
canaliculus subcochlearis (par)
43674 14063
anterior pillar (pair)
postis anterior (par)
43677 14064
canopy of fossa of cochlear window (pair) ; roof of cochlear window (pair)
canonus fossulae fenestrae cochlearis (par) ; tegmen fenestrae cochlearis (par)
43680 14065
posterior pillar (pair)
postis posterior (par)
77696 30779 7175
tympanic sinus (pair)
sinus tympanicus (par) ; sinus tympani (par)
43707 14070
subtympanic sinus (pair)
sinus subtympanicus (par)
56932 30782 7176
cochlear window (pair) ; round window (pair)
fenestra cochlearis (par) ; fenestra rotunda (par)
76922 30785 7177
fossa of cochlear window (pair) ; round window niche (pair)
fossula fenestrae cochlearis (par)
43787 14071
fustis (pair)
fustis (par)
75143 30788 7178
crest of cochlear window (pair) ; crest of round window (pair)
crista fenestrae cochlearis (par) ; crista fenestrae rotundae (par)
56958 30794 7180
secondary tympanic membrane (pair)
membrana tympani secundaria (par)
77646 30800 7181
mastoid wall (pair) ; posterior wall (pair)
paries mastoideus (par)
56797 30803 7182
aditus to mastoid antrum (pair)
aditus antri mastoidei (par)
77730 30806 7183
prominence of lateral semicircular canal (pair)
prominentia canalis semicircularis lateralis (par)
77731 30809 7184
prominence of facial canal (pair)
prominentia canalis nervi facialis (par)
77732 30812 7185
pyramidal eminence (pair)
eminentia pyramidalis (par)
43995 14073
pyramidal crest (pair) ; pyramidal ridge (pair)
crista pyramidalis (par)
43998 14074
opening of pyramidal eminence (pair)
apertura eminentiae pyramidalis (par)
25135 8303
chordal eminence (pair)
eminentia chordae tympani (par)
44001 14075
chordal crest (pair) ; chordiculus (pair) ; ERR1
crista chordalis (par) ; chordiculus (par)
76923 30815 7186
fossa of incus (pair)
fossa incudis (par)
77692 30758 7168
styloid eminence (pair) ; styloid prominence (pair)
eminentia styloidea (par) ; prominentia styloidea (par)
44187 14077
styloid ridge (pair)
crista styloidea (par)
77733 30818 7187
posterior tympanic sinus (pair)
sinus tympanicus posterior (par) ; sinus tympani posterior (par)
30842 8208
tympanic opening of posterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair) ; tympanic aperture of posterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair)
apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae tympani posterioris (par)
44249 14078
facial sinus (pair)
sinus facialis (par)
44307 14079
lateral tympanic sinus (pair)
sinus tympanicus lateralis (par) ; sinus tympani lateralis (par)
55711 30825 7189
mastoid antrum (pair)
antrum mastoideum (par)
55800 30829 7190
mastoid cells (pair)
cellulae mastoideae (par)
30833 7191
tympanic cells (pair)
cellulae tympanicae (par)
77679 30836 7192
carotid wall (pair) ; anterior wall (pair)
paries caroticus (par)
45824 8696
hiatus of canal for lesser petrosal nerve (pair)
ostium tympanicum canalis nervi petrosi minoris (par)
25245 14080
supratubal recess (pair)
recessus supratubarius (par)
44374 14081
tensor tympani fold (pair)
plica musculi tensoris tympani (par)
44386 14082
subtensor recess (pair)
recessus subtensorius (par)
55808 560 560
musculotubal canal
canalis musculotubarius
56439 561 561
semicanal of tensor tympani muscle
semicanalis musculi tensoris tympani
75763 563 563
septum of musculotubal canal
septum canalis musculotubarii
56442 562 562
semicanal of auditory tube
semicanalis tubae auditivae
32868 8380
tympanic opening of anterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair) ; tympanic aperture of anterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair)
apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae tympani anterioris (par)
44402 14085
protiniculum (pair)
protiniculum (par)
44554 14086
caroticocochlear recess (pair)
recessus caroticocochlearis (par)
45453 14087
protympanic crest (pair)
crista protympanica (par)
55463 617 617
petrotympanic fissure
fissura petrotympanica
77230 559 559
caroticotympanic canaliculi
canaliculi caroticotympanici
9595 30839 7193
membranous wall (pair) ; lateral wall (pair)
paries membranaceus (par)
52750 32903 768
ossicula auditus (par); ossicula auditoria (par)
52751 35162 7194
stapes (pair)
stapes (par)
52766 35165 7195
head of stapes (pair) ; capitulum (pair)
caput stapedis (par)
52767 35168 7196
anterior limb (pair)
crus anterius (par)
52768 35171 7197
posterior limb (pair)
crus posterius (par)
52769 35174 7198
base of stapes (pair) ; footplate (pair)
basis stapedis (par)
52752 35177 7199
incus (pair)
incus (par)
52763 35180 7200
body of incus (pair)
corpus incudis (par)
52764 35183 7201
long limb (pair) ; long process (pair)
crus longum (par)
52775 35186 7202
lenticular process (pair)
processus lenticularis (par)
52765 35189 7203
short limb (pair)
crus breve (par)
52753 35192 7204
malleus (pair)
malleus (par)
52760 35195 7205
handle of malleus (pair) ; manubrium of malleus (pair)
manubrium mallei (par)
30907 8211
spatuliform process (pair)
processus spatuliformis (par)
52761 35198 7206
head of malleus (pair)
caput mallei (par)
52762 35201 7207
neck of malleus (pair)
collum mallei (par)
52770 35204 7208
lateral process (pair)
processus lateralis (par)
52771 35207 7209
anterior process (pair)
processus anterior (par)
60063 35211 7210
articulationes ossiculi auditus (par) ; articulationes ossiculi auditorii (par)
60064 35214 7211
incudomallear joint (pair)
articulatio incudomallearis (par)
60065 35217 7212
incudostapedial joint (pair)
articulatio incudostapedia (par)
60875 35220 7213
tympanostapedial syndesmosis (pair)
syndesmosis tympanostapedia (par)
60878 35224 7214
ligamenta ossiculi auditus (par) ; ligamenta ossiculi auditorii (par)
60879 35227 7215
anterior ligament of malleus (pair)
ligamentum mallei anterius (par)
60880 35230 7216
superior ligament of malleus (pair)
ligamentum mallei superius (par)
60881 35233 7217
lateral ligament of malleus (pair)
ligamentum mallei laterale (par)
60882 35236 7218
superior ligament of incus (pair)
ligamentum incudis superius (par)
60883 35239 7219
posterior ligament of incus (pair)
ligamentum incudis posterius (par)
60959 35242 7220
stapedial membrane (pair)
membrana stapedia (par)
60884 35245 7221
anular ligament of stapes (pair)
ligamentum anulare stapedium (par)
30849 1675
musculi ossiculi auditus (par) ; musculi ossiculi auditorii (par)
49028 30929 7222
tensor tympani muscle (pair); tensor tympani (pair)
musculus tensor tympani (par) ; tensor tympani (par)
49027 30932 7223
stapedial muscle (pair) ; stapedius (pair)
musculus stapedius (par) ; stapedius (par)
59663 30852 7224
tunica mucosa auris mediae (par) ; tunica mucosa cavitatis tympani (par)
56778 30858 7225
posterior mallear fold (pair)
plica mallearis posterior (par)
56772 30861 7226
anterior mallear fold (pair)
plica mallearis anterior (par)
77727 30864 7227
fold of chorda tympani (pair)
plica chordae tympani (par)
31921 8215
epitympanic diaphragm (pair)
diaphragma epitympanicum (par)
32931 10781
anterior isthmus of epitympanic diaphragm (pair)
isthmus anterior diaphragmatis epitympanici (par)
32934 14090
posterior isthmus of epitympanic diaphragm (pair)
isthmus posterior diaphragmatis epitympanici (par)
30868 7228
recesses of tympanic membrane (pair)
recessus membranae tympanicae (par)
76930 30871 7229
anterior recess (pair)
recessus anterior (par)
76931 30874 7230
superior recess (pair)
recessus superior (par)
76932 30877 7231
posterior recess (pair)
recessus posterior (par)
77728 30880 7232
fold of incus (pair)
plica incudialis (par)
77729 30883 7233
fold of stapes (pair)
plica stapedis (par)
30916 8218
layers of mucosa of middle ear (pair)
laminae tunicae mucosae auris mediae (par)
30919 8221
columnar simple epithelium of middle ear (pair) ; columnar simple epithelium of tympanic cavity (pair)
epithelium simplex columnare auris mediae (par)
30923 8228
ciliated epitheliocytes (pair)
epitheliocyti ciliati (par)
30926 8231
squamous simple epithelium of middle ear (pair) ; squamous simple epithelium of tympanic cavity (pair)
epithelium simplex squamosum auris mediae (par)
52737 544 544
temporal bone
os temporale
9705 32935 7234
tuba auditiva (par); tuba auditoria (par)
54980 35248 7235
tympanic opening of auditory tube (pair)
ostium tympanicum tubae auditivae (par) ; ostium tympanicum tubae auditoriae (par)
60057 35251 7236
osseous part of auditory tube (pair) ; protympanum (pair)
pars ossea tubae auditivae (par) ; protympanum (par)
60066 35255 7237
isthmus of auditory tube (pair)
isthmus tubae auditivae (par) ; isthmus tubae auditoriae (par)
35258 7238
tubal air cells (pair)
cellulae pneumaticae
60109 30942 8235
mucosa of osseous part of auditory tube (pair)
tunica mucosa partis osseae tubae auditivae (par)
30945 8238
columnar simple epithelium of auditory tube (pair)
epithelium simplex columnare tubae auditivae (par)
30949 8241
ciliated epitheliocytes (pair)
epitheliocyti ciliati (par)
60058 35262 7239
cartilaginous part of auditory tube (pair)
pars cartilaginea tubae auditivae (par)
60096 35265 7240
cartilage of auditory tube (pair)
cartilago tubae auditivae (par) ; cartilago tubae auditoriae (par)
77734 35268 7241
medial layer (pair)
lamina medialis (par)
77736 35271 7242
lateral layer (pair)
lamina lateralis (par)
60106 35274 7243
membranous layer (pair)
lamina membranacea (par)
30939 8247
fat body of auditory tube (pair)
corpus adiposum tubae auditivae (par) ; corpus adiposum tubae auditoriae (par)
60109 35277 7244
mucosa of cartilaginous part of auditory tube (pair)
tunica mucosa partis cartilagineae tubae auditivae (par)
35280 7632
pseudostratified epithelium of auditory tube (pair)
epithelium pseudostratificatum tubae auditivae (par)
30936 8250
ciliated epitheliocytes (pair)
epitheliocyti ciliati (par)
35284 7245
tubal glands (pair)
glandulae tubariae (par)
54979 2470 2470
pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae ; ostium pharyngeum tubae auditoriae
139 lines
94.5 %
91.7 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The promontorium gives rise to several bony ridges: (a) the ponticulus promontorii; (b) the subiculum promontorii; and (c) the finiculus.
In the retrotympanum, lateral and medial spaces relative to the facial nerve and pyramidal eminences were defined: lateral, the sinus facialis and the sinus tympanicus lateralis; medial, the sinus tympanicus posterior and the sinus tympanicus.
The paries mastoideus shows three bony eminences, each giving rise to a ridge: (a) the eminentia pyramidalis; (b) the eminentia chordae tympani; and (c) the eminentia styloidea.
See note # 7175
New term; the Corpus adiposum tubae auditivae (of Ostmann) is a triangular fat pad mediocaudal to the Tuba auditiva and laterocranial to the Musculus tensor veli palatini. It is thought to be important in normal closure of the tube, preventing transmission of nasopharyngeal pressure in the middle ear cavity.
For the paries auris mediae, several new terms have been added giving credit to clinical findings (from Mansour S. Magnan J, Ahmad Hh, Nicolas K, Louryan S 2019 Comprehensive and Clinical Anatomy of the Middle Ear, 2nd ed. Springer, Cham).
New term; the Ponticulus promontorii is a thin bony bridge from the Eminentia pyramidalis to the Promontorium (from Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Wien - New York).
The chorda tympani passes from the facial canal through the posterior tympanic canaliculus to enter the tympanic cavity via the apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae tympani posterioris; via the apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae tympani anterioris, the chorda tympani enters the anterior tympanic canaliculus (see also TA98, A02.1.06.011 canaliculus chordae tympani)
The Processus spatuliformis is a circular (spatulate) process at the end of the Handle, with a ligamentous attachment to the Pars tensa at this point.
The diaphragma epitympanicum (epitympanic diaphragm) separates the epitympanum from the mesotympanum. The diaphragm is formed by the lateral incudomallear and mallear folds laterally, and the tensor tympani fold anteriorly. The epitympanum and the mesotympanum communicate through two openings in the diaphragm, known as the isthmus anterior and isthmus posterior.
The corpus adiposum tubae auditivae (of Ostmann) is a triangular fat pad mediocaudal to the tuba auditiva and laterocranial to the musculus tensor veli palatini. It is thought to be important in normal closure of the tube, preventing transmission of nasopharyngeal pressure in the middle ear cavity.
See note # 8208
The clinical term retrotympanum has been added for the posterior part of the mesotympanum.
The clinical term cog refers to a coronally oriented osseous ridge protruding in the middle ear cavity, for which the term processus inferior tegminis was introduced (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Wien – New York).
The promontorium shows a bony overhang over the cochlear or round window, comprising a postis anterior (anterior pillar), a roof (tegmen) and a postis posterior (posterior pillar) as described by Bolobas B (1972 A hallószery mikrochirurgial anatomija. Könykiadó, Budapest (in Hungarian); Proctor B, Bolobas B, Niparko JK 1986 Anatomy of the round window niche. Acta Otol Rhinol Laryngol 95:444-446). For the tegmen, the term canonus fossulae fenestrae cochleae has been suggested as it forms a canopy overhanging the cochlear window (Topsakal V, Matulic M, Assadi MZ, Mertens G, Van Rompaey V, Van de Heyning P 2020 Comparison of the surgical techniques and robotic techniques for cochlear implantation in terms of the trajectories toward the inner ear. J Int Adv Otol 16:3-7).
See note # 14061
See note # 14061
See note # 14061
See note # 14061
See note # 7175
See note # 7175
Type of list P3F
List Unit Identifier 7162
Sublist 1 7163 cavitas tympani 18/7 on 1.4.2018
Invalid signature 2431 (stored value 24017)
Error in sublist Found children 21 Found units 8
Sublist 2 8190 paries auris mediae 106/39 on 4.8.2020
Invalid signature 7058 (stored value 15772)
Error in sublist Found children 167 Found units 60
Sublist 3 768 ossiculus auditus 53/18 on 13.5.2018
Sublist 4 7210 articulatio ossiculorum auditus 14/5 on 12.9.2020
Invalid signature 339 (stored value 23054)
Error in sublist Found children 11 Found units 4
Sublist 5 1675 musculus ossiculorum auditus 8/3 on 1.4.2018
Sublist 6 7224 tunica mucosa cavitatis tympani 41/14 on 1.4.2018
Invalid signature 7232 (stored value 6750)
Error in sublist Found children 50 Found units 17
Sublist 7 7234 tuba auditiva 54/19 on 1.4.2018
Sublist 8 7214 ligamentum ossiculorum auditus 23/8 on 12.9.2020
Subtotals subchildren 317 subunits 113
Warning: overdating anterior date for the list 5.8.2020
Proper children 10
Invalid check Found children: 398
Proper units 2
Invalid check Found units: 139
Invalid signature 1594 ( 5.8.2020)
Date: 10.09.2021